The way in which yoga cultivates embodied presence is a huge advantage when choosing homeopathy as ones healthcare modality. When present, our observation skills are sharpened, and we can hear the body's whispers more clearly. An asana practice (physical poses) is only one aspect of Yoga. The eight-limb path embodies everything from lifestyle to nutrition, meditation and more. It is a whole healing modality in itself. One of the limbs of Yoga teaches us the Yamas - a set of principles that guides healthy relationships with ourselves and the world around us to remain in alignment with our Higher Self and in the best interest of the well-being of all. The first Yama is Ahimsa, meaning non-harming. This is where I have found a significant crossover with homeopathy, where both modalities advocate for a gentle and safe approach to health and healing. I hold these values in high regard, and will always bring Ahimsa into the space I am holding for another.
A true acute condition typically has a recent onset with a short duration of about 7 - 10 days.
If left unsupported, it usually resolves on its own or one is left with complications.
Examples of true acutes include but are not limited to:
+ Minor acute conditions (colds and coughs with recent onset; sore throats; earache; stomach bug; food poisoning; UTIs with a recent onset; toothache)
+ First Aid (shock & trauma (physical or emotional); accidents; injuries e.g., puncture wounds, stings, cuts, abrasions, lacerations, burns, bruises, sprains, strains, recent concussions)
+ Indispositions (sunstroke; overindulgence)
"Both modalities advocate for a gentle and safe approach to healthy and healing."
30 min
80 New Zealand dollars